Holy shit. We’ve just stumbled upon this piece of gold and we are AMPED to go jump off every cornice in Australia now. Full tweak mode. Just need the snow. Someone wake up Mother Nature, she’s lagging!
Sub-Zero was a snowboard video filmed in 1994 in both Australia and New Zealand. A bunch of snowboard rats proposed a film to the Government and scored a grant. The good ol’ days.
They filmed it on location all across Australia and then crossed the ditch and score some epic days in NZ with the king of kings, Danny Bevan.
The crew consisted of old school legends such as Doug Atkinson, Marcus Wherle, Matt Gilder, Mark Cowley, Foz plus a whole lot more. We dream of being apart of this crew.
Not sure about you, but we’re all about bringing this vibe back. COVID, the entire world going to shit, lift passes as hard to come by as an invite to the Snow Australia awards, limited bars and night clubs to party in…no better time to get out there with the crew and go snowboard. Shovel and shoes…recipe for success.