It’s back, round two baby. The Natural Selection is now in Canada…Baldface in Nelson, British Columbia to be exact. Things however are much, much different this time round for stop two of the tour.
How is it going down? 10 British Columbia based riders will be pairing up with regionally-based filmers in a new progressive format that will allow for maximum expression and style. They have the untapped and incredible terrain at Baldface’s new tenure in the Valhalla Ranges from March 1 to 7.

How does one win the event? A highlight show featuring the best lines and standout action from the week will broadcast on March 19, exclusively on Red Bull TV.
What does Travis have to say about all this? “This is a unique year that calls for adaptability. Frankly, I am really excited about the showcase format and that we are adding another dimension to what the world witnessed in Jackson Hole. Full-spectrum snowboarding has been historically captured on film, so we are inviting top filmers to team up with riders and deliver something truly dynamic for all those that tuned in to the Tour’s first stop. The riders are excited about this format and I can’t wait to see what they create.”

Who are the 10 invited riders? There’s 6 guys, 4 girls. The guys include Beau Bishop, Dustin Craven, Craig McMorries, Chris Rasman, Mikey Rencz and Mark Sollors.
The girls line-up consists of Spencer O’Brien, Leanne Pelosi, Marie-France Roy and Robin Van Gyn.
We’re somewhat disappointed that it’s not proceeding as the same live action, live stream, heated head to head competition that was stop one in Jackson Hole. However, considering COVID’s a lingering issue for anyone in the event organising space, we’re stoked nonetheless that the event has been adapted and we get to witness something new and different.
Will it be better than Jackson? We were really hyped on the new event and tour format…So March 19 will determine which of the two is more preferred. However, we’re leaning for the live event format.

What about stop number 3? The top scoring man and woman from the Bronco Natural Selection at Baldface will be revealed during the Red Bull TV broadcast on March 19. Each winner will secure an invite to go head-to-head against the top three men (McMorris, Ferguson and Bang) and the top woman (Sadowski-Synnott) coming out of Jackson Hole, at the inaugural Natural Selection Tour super finals: The HempFusion Natural Selection at Tordrillo Mountain Lodge from March 20-27.

It is there, in Alaska where the king and queen of the freeride world will be crowned and win a dope new 2021 Ford Bronco.
Who are we most excited to see? DUSTIN CRAVEN! He’s been around the freeride traps for quite sometime and has always been – hard charging, stylish and consistent.
Will there be leaks? Yes, you can guarantee there will be leaks…Natural Selection will drop a few things here and there. Plus stay tuned as we’ll be covering the event in all its entirety.