The 36th Annual Hotham Non-Banked, Banked Slalom

Making lemonade out of lemons

Words: Brett Stanley

36 years in the making, the Annual Hotham Boardriders Gun Barrel Banked Slalom once again took place at Mt Hotham renowned for its feature packed natural terrain. Only this year it was temporarily renamed and relocated to the “Hotham Boardriders Summit Non-Banked Slalom”, due to the challenging conditions the Australian resorts have faced in 2024. The writing was on the wall early and it was evident that “Gun Barrel” and last years back up locations, “Harpers” were not going to cut it. An earlier than expected run of warmer weather combined with some devastating rain events meant the last bastion of salvation was “The Summit” or bust!

Has mother nature drawn a line in the snow? Is this what we are to come to expect in the years ahead or is this just a glitch in the matrix? Only time will tell.

Although we were bummed out about our predicament, we still came together to challenge ourselves and our friends, new and old, for the coveted glory of being crowned the fasted kid (regardless of your age), if only for a fleeting moment in time, and most evidently to come together as a Snowboarding Community, something Banked slaloms do so well the world over.

The Non-Banked, Banked Slalom – making lemonade out of lemons

There’s a feeling you get when driving towards Mt Hotham that is so familiar, so undeniably pure that it gets the heart beating just a little harder and a little faster. Rolling through the valleys past the pine plantations and rustic old tobacco drying sheds, tracing along the Ovens River through Bright until you finally greet the foot of the mountain in Harrietville if that’s your selected approach. The alternate mellower approach via Omeo, a developing MTB bike mecca, has you arrive at the same iconic destination. That’s when you know! That old familiar feeling of excitement, like the moment before your first kiss, the moment that you know you’re home. The winding road unravels before you as you climb the bitumen path ‘til you reach the snowline, climbing ever onwards and upwards in anticipation of good time that awaits you at the top of the hill. I remember when I felt it the first time and some 30+ years later I feel it still.

The Hotham Boardriders have been hosting their annual Gun Barrel Banked Slalom since 1988 when a bunch of dedicated riders put together a proposal to the RMB to allow a sanctioned event so they could be taken as a serious group. Committed to promoting snowboarding as not only a safe sport but one to be explored and encouraged. Especially by the youth of the day. Hothams terrain and powder were a natural attraction for Snowboarders.

The Bird, unofficial Clubhouse for the Hotham Boardriders Club

And so began a love affair between the Hotham Boardriders and the Mountain. In the early 90’s the old T Bar (now The Hotham Hotel, formerly Swindlers) was quickly adopted as the unofficial hang for all crew and it wasn’t long before dozens of baggy pant snow bums were emerging in a whole new scene, for some, seemingly cramping the style of the Apres ski set. The T Bar gave way to the Snowbird as the official HB club house post the refurbished Hotham Central. Mark & Mel Cowley took over and the die was cast. The Bird was crowned the official club house and remains so today.

As the name suggests the “Gun Barrel Banked Slalom” has always taken place in Gun Barrel because of its natural terrain of steep, halfpipe style banked wall from top to bottom.

Last year saw the first time that the event had to be relocated from Gun Barrel to Harpers which is two ridge lines west due to less-than-ideal snow conditions. That move proved to be very successful as a temporary alternate and the event went off without a hitch under glorious blue bird skies.

Panxto Wall, always going quick

The expectation for the 2024 event was to move back to Gun Barrel but as the season has unfolded the snow gods have not shone on us in August yet again.  Given cause to make the drastic decision to move to the Summit under the chair line. It was that or nothing. We chose the former.

The consensus among the punters was positively strong. Regardless of the conditions the people will come together and ride the banked slalom come rain, hail or shine. Over the course of time this event has surpassed mere weather and snow conditions and has a special place in our hearts. No matter what mother nature throws our way we will continue to celebrate this snowboarding culture we have come to know and love so much.

Miles Fallon, low and fast

The snowpack was soft and slow, the fog was thick, the course was flat, short and the wind was howling, yet somehow we still managed to run 150 stoked competitors against all the odds and came out with huge smiles on our collective faces. DJ Eddy was on hand to rock the tunes and MC the event to keep the vibes high. No amount of adverse conditions was going to spoil our weekend. If there’s anything this expanding  and diverse group of passionate crew knows how to do, it’s make the best of what we’ve got no matter what and make the best of it we did. The shortened schedule had us back at the Bird earlier than usual and the post event fun and games kicked off with gusto. The Quiksilver crew, which included US knuckle huck hero Miles Fallon and free surf legend Mikey Wright, were treated to our special brand of HB hospitality. The presentations had a crazy mix of new faces and old stalwarts. The Munro family podiumed in 4 of the 6 categories. The force is strong with them.

Industry sponsors kicked in over 25K in cash and prizes thanks to Lib Tech, Bent Metal Bindings, Quiksilver, Roxy, Yeti, Le bent, Transfer mag and for the first time the open/pro division had cash on the line thanks to Boost Mobile.

One of Mikey Wright’s personal sleds heading home with a new owner

Carry over champion Robbie Walker took out the Men’s open and Kata Mandel claiming 1st in the Women’s.

In keeping a high focus on participation not just winning we introduced a new award for 2024, Mr & Mrs Average. Fastest and slowest times were split to find the median time and bingo you’re a winner taking home some cash and swag.

Mikey Wright surprisingly took out first in the 30+ men’s category ahead of Alex Kruse and graciously donated the snowboard back to the club raffle along with a signed used surfboard and a brand new custom surfboard. What a bloody legend.  We later found out that there was an error in the times and that Alex had actually won first place. Lucky he’s part of our Lib Tech sponsorship team and was also happy to gift the board to the raffle (Bloody legend). Nickie Rodger took out the 40+ Womens for the second year running and also graciously donated her new Lib Tech board back to the raffle (Bloody legend). Come Raffle time there was 4 Lib Tech snowboard, 2 Quiky Mikey Wright surfboards, Yeti pack and an array of other minor prizes. The punters went nuts buying tickets for a chance to win on the HB wheel and the winners celebrated like it was a 1999 game show. The party kicked on late into the night to the tunes of DJ “RJ Daniels”, Who ironically is a retired former all round extreme sports master turned DJ after a horrendous Fly Fishing incident.

Multi-discipline talent Mikey Wright with Quik team mate Miles Fallon

Amongst a throng of sore heads, Saturday saw a Ride with the Quiksilver and Roxy Pro’s rail jam session for those willing and able to cap off the riding portion for another year. The ensuing partying took place between the Bird and the Genny With DJ Eddy on the decks and the Grogans jamming out upstairs at the Genny.

Despite the climate challenges before us all in the coming years the “HB Gun Barrel, Harpers, Summit Banked/Non-Banked Slalom” with endure because let’s face it, it’s the people and a positive spirt that make the event what it is, not the weather or location! 2024 will go down as one of the most memorable weekends in the events history as it’s a cultural gathering so much more than just an event.

Giant Slaloms are the new Banked Slaloms.

Huge thanks to all the sponsors and Mt Hotham alpine resort for hosting us for another year.

Excitingly 25% of the competitors were under the age of 18 so the next generation is alive and well at Mt Hotham as it’s snowboarding culture continues to evolve. 

Podium results below and for full results go to or follow @hothamboardriders

Next Gen 8-12

1st Sunny Munro
2nd Lotus Whitelaw-Holmes
3rd Willow Latimer

1st Taj Walker
2nd Billy Munro
3rd Louis Tarasenko

Jr Under 18

1st Neve White
2nd Lucy Evans
3rd DNS

1st Alexander Frost
2nd Zephyr Whitelaw-Holmes
3rd Angus Young


1st Kata Mandel
2nd Josie Baff
3rd Yoshi Kohlwes

1st Robbie walker
2nd Jacob Barrett
3rd Miles Fallon

30+ Club

1st Anna Lockett
2nd Phoebe Munro
3rd Cari Ah Sam

1st Alex Kruse
2nd  Jon Wicker
3rd  Hamish Munro

Masters 40+

1st Nickie Rodger
2nd  MERRIN Jokic
3rd Gianna Verdini Fensom

1st Myles Pollock
2nd Fergus Munro
3rd Daniel Busetti

Legends 50+

1st Danni Morris
3rd Paige Latimer
3rd Natasha Pritchard


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