Words: Xander
Every now and then, a rider bursts onto the scene with such ferocity that all of a sudden they become very difficult to forget.
Rocco Jamieson is one of those guys that you could watch from afar on the chairlift and instantly know who it was. His fast, loose style is a welcome reprieve from the somewhat predictable slopestyle manufacturing machine – riding with a uniqueness and creativity unmatched in New Zealand right now.
His tricks are different, his lines unpredictable and his Yung Dolly esq outfits stand out on the hill as he twists and contorts his body into positions that are equally as mind-bending as they are impressive. But despite his unorthodox approach and NBDs, Rocco is far from novelty – his snowboarding foundations are solid and influences ‘classic’ – a rare combination in the world of competitive snowboarding where often adding an extra backside 180 takes priority over style and flare.
At 18, he’s part of the next generation of incredible talents coming out of New Zealand’s seemingly endless pool of rippers, and with a Big Air podium under his belt already this season, it seems like Rocco is on track to great things.
We caught up with him to learn more about his approach, his influences, thoughts on the Olympics and what the hell a Rubix flip actually is.

Rocco, how’s it going, where are you at the moment?
Good bro, in OZ now and about to fly to China for the next World Cup.
How do you find the bag training? Do you think it’s almost essential these days for progression?
Yeah, honestly, it’s not essential – but if I don’t want to die then it’s pretty helpful. It won’t ever replace riding on snow – it’s not real snowboarding, it’s just training.
Let’s talk about the Rubix Flip – there are so many theories about how to accurately name this trick, how do you describe it?
Haha, honestly I don’t know how it got the name Rubix flip, but all good. I think it’s fitting because the cuz Josh Li who told me to try it is kind of a freak on a Rubik’s cube. I think of it as a sloth roll pull switch rodeo but I guess it’s open to interpretation. I know of a couple of people who think it’s just a frontside rodeo.

And the one in Chur was the first one done in competition – but have you seen anyone else do one?
Nah, I haven’t seen anyone do one but I know Eli Bouchard has got a variation of it that’s sick.
This is a bit of a snowboard nerd question, but it seems bring backs and reverts in the air are sort of on trend – like Scotty in the pipe, Torgeir comes to mind too – what’s your take? Any favourites that you’ve seen?
Yeah bro, I think it’s sick if done well and a cool varitation to make tricks look unique. I think you have to go back to Halldor’s and Kaito Hamada’s ones as they’re the best to do it.
It’s refreshing to see someone who stands out in Big Air not just adding another 180, How do you find the state of Big Air right now?
Thank you. I think Big Airs have definitely been going through a patch of just spin to win, but hopefully creativity is getting to rewarded slowly – or at least I would like to think it is. I think the spins are super important as well but good if you can add some of your own style to them.

Tell us about the Platinum Crew?
Platinum Crew is a crew of kids who just want to shred and travel around as one big family.
And is it true your old man is a bit of an old school ripper?
Haha yeah, you could say that. He was a Burton and then Forum rider back when local Big Air and Halfpipe contests were all there was. Now he’s my coach, and also coaches the Platinum Crew.
You’re so noticeable on the hill, you’ve got your own style in both your fits and your riding – where do you draw inspiration from in and out of snowboarding?
Haha thanks bro, that means a lot. I draw inspo mostly from watching the old Mack Dawg and Mayhem crew and all the Big Bear boys like Anthony Slater and Drayden Gardner on repeat. The list goes on. Really, I draw inspiration from anyone who looks like they are loving snowboarding.

What’s the plans for this winter? Do you have something else up your sleeve?
Just chasing the World Cups at the moment so wherever that takes me, Europe/USA and then Mammoth for spring laps with the crew.
What’s your vibe on the Olympics?
Damn that’s hard to say, living under same roof as my dad who was a Terje fan, I didn’t hear good things about it, but I am trying to go for it and hopefully will be able to go to the next ones. Being honest though, I think snowboarding could do without the Olympics and you would see the sport grow in a different direction – but that’s also a bit cheap coming from me who’s on the bandwagon.

Anyone you’d like to thank?
Transfer, thanks for this, I think it’s sick what you’re doing and shoutout PLATINUM CREW and all my sponsors.
We at Transfer wish Rocco all the best in his endeavors. Keep up with Rocco on Instagram and follow the Platinum Crew here.