Boardslide Worldwide Australia ft. Austen Sweetin

Austen Sweetin's sweet and subtle reminder of how incredible Australia is...

Yes, yes and YES! In the current COVID environment we’re all so down on not travelling…or maybe it’s just me? Regardless, enjoy this international’s perspective on how fucking incredible Australia is. We all need a reminder every now and then. Surf, snow, skate, beer and road trips. Iconic. Gods Country.

Words from Austen Sweetin:

A road trip to the Holy Bowly Down Undah. From Snapper Rocks and Angourie to The Snowy Mountains of Thredbo all the way down to Bells Beach we surfed, skated, and snowboarded our way down the coast. We met up with Blair Habenicht, Bryan Fox, Joel Paxton, Matt Hoy, Max Tokunaga, Phil Hansen, Forrest Bailey and Miles Fallon to ride the Holy Bowly, skate every park we came across and surf our brains out for the ultimate road trip!



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