Rumour Mill | Natural Selection Not Returning to Jackson Hole…

Jackson no more. What resort is stepping up to take on stop number one of the tour?!

The ol’ rumour mill has been piping hot the last couple days. We’ve received word from a rider that the Natural Selection Tour will not be returning to Jackson Hole for the 2023 season.

This is huge news! After two big and successful years running the event in the creator’s, Travis Rice backyard, it’s incredibly disappointing to hear Jackson Hole has pulled the pin on the event.

The purpose built course, event area and setup took years of planning, building and executing. After two years of riders getting a feel for what can be done, it’s now gone!

The dedicated and hardworking team over at Natural Selection have now returned back to the drawing board for where they can now run stop one of the tour for 2023! It’s no easy task hosting an event of this scale from logistics, production, resources and more.

Who’s going to step up? Take it on and one up Jackson Hole?

Stay tuned as more unfolds and announcements are made.


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