Fashion over function? Function over fashion? Combine the two together and this is what you get…

The [ak] Swash Jacket is dubbed one of the smartest jackets in snowboarding. It’s got some dope insulation that acts like a built-in vest, so no need to run a million layers. The insulation brings warmth around your core, leaving your arms light and free to tweak as far as your old bones allow.

Like most [ak] gear it’s mega high-tech. Fully sealed against wind and water – two of the shittiest elements to exist when boarding, but we need it to make snow, so not entirely shit. It’s keeps that stuff up with a reinforced GORE-SEAM tape and is equipped with a lightweight lining for ultra legit wicking and breathability.

All the extravagant extra trimmings are included – adjustable powder cuffs, water-repellent waist gaiter, water-resistant zippers. Plus fully back by a lifetime warranty. $699.99. Totally worth it.

So if you want to stay dry, look cool and not be blowing it trying to dry off in the cafe after two runs with the kids…this is the jacket.