FINALLY! The time has come…The Natural Selection Tour final event in Alaska is going down tomorrow morning. Fuck yeah.

Details you need straight up, then we’ll dive into how things are going down.
5AM AEST 17 April (Saturday Morning) is when you can tune in to watch the event go down. Where to watch? Easy…head to and we go you covered with the full stream thanks to Red Bull.
You can also watch it direct on Red Bull TV right here.
The event kicks off straight in Semi-Finals…Chris Rasman (CAN) squared up against Ben Ferguson (USA) and Mark McMorris (CAN) came up against Mikkel Bang (NOR). The women’s semifinal was a three way contest between Zoi Sadowski-Synnott (NZL), who won at Jackson Hole and Robin Van Gyn, the winner at Baldface-Valhalla, went up against Hana Beaman. Each rider had three chances to drop and the highest score of the match up, moved on to the finals.

The riders had their pick of lines in an untouched zone called Montrachet that tops out at 3800’ elevation with a roughly 1300’ vertical drop and average pitch of 35 degrees. It is on a Northwest aspect that gives beautiful afternoon light.
Sleep tight, tune in tomorrow.