‘One World’ Monday | SNOWMAGGEDON in The Streets

Tune in for some behind the scenes action from Burton's new film 'One World'. This episode is all about the biggest snowstorm of the year, whilst on a street trip...when the stars align - you strap in.

Who doesn’t love snow? It’s currently dumping in Australia and set to hit NZ…The vibes are high when the snow rolls in and it’s all systems snowboard.

This has got to be one of the best segments of the Burton’s film ‘One World‘! What the media dubbed as #SNOWMAGGEDON2020 – was the icing on the cake for the Burton crew that were in St. Johns, Newfoundland…no it’s not a church, it’s a big city in Canada. The snow storm delivered just under a metre of snow, and sent the entire city into a state of emergency. Don’t believe us? Watch the video above…ain’t nothing but snow.

Neils, Maria and Ethan hitting the streets…

The crew consisted of Maria Thomsen, Neils Shack, Max Zebe and Ethan Deiss – some of the heaviest hitters to grace the streets.

Clip review!

There’s no more ideal situation on a street trip than when it snows a shit load, the city is in lockdown and no cops patrolling…When the stars align like this, you get to work and strap in. The city becomes a skatepark at your disposal overnight. Gotta act quick before all the snow is cleared.

Ethan Deiss, getting after it in the streets of St. Johns…

The crew got to work and hit spot after spot. The coolest thing was all the support from the local communities. They can’t get to work, can’t drive around, so they watch and cheer in awe of crazy people on boards doing crazy shit. Kinda like when it floods in Australia and some hell man takes a jet-ski out in the streets, but way more exciting.

Ethan, finding the sweet spot of light & transition. Perfection…


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