COVID Ain’t Slowing Travis Rice Down | Watch New & Socially Distanced Film ‘RESETTER’

While we were downloading pilates apps, binging Netflix and walking around the block. Travis Rice was doing this during COVID...

From Quiksilver:

Travis Rice typically makes an annual pilgrimage to the mountains of Alaska. There, he finds and rides ridiculous lines and creates films that terrify and/or inspire the rest of us.

Last year, COVID broke that tradition.

However, fortunately for Travis, there’s plenty of backcountry right in his backyard in Jackson Hole. All of the sudden, he saw an opportunity to reset and reconnect with his old stomping grounds.

Epic snow. Incredible terrain. Fresh air and beautiful solitude. Sometimes, Alaska comes to you.

Hit play to have Travis blow your mind yet again.

Also check out the latest interview we did with Travis to chat all things Natural Selection, 2021 plans and more…



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