You probably caught one of the heaviest slams to date we posted on Sunday…unless you were hiding under a rock or suffering from a no device hangover on Sunday.
Need a refresher? Here it is again below…
No this is not edited…This is as real as it gets. And it’s heavy! We wanted to dive deeper to find out what’s happened to the rider after taking the slam.
Some more details have been released over the past couple days about the rider and the current conditions he is in. He’s not doing too good physically, but is in high spirits. He dropped a reflective post of the incident yesterday.
The rider (@fracis_cjr) commented this:
Thank the lord I am alive today…
The lord covered me with his wings and lifted his shields to protect me this day, a day I will never forget.
I used to squirm in discomfort from watching this video. Instant regret as I flew thru the air. I hated myself for this. I can hear the cries from my girlfriend as she screamed for help. I hated putting my loved ones through this pain. As they endured, as their prayers slowly but surely were heard, the blessings followed. I now watch this on replay to remind me how strong the strength of the Lord’s Prayer truly is. I apologize to everyone that I have hurt or worried during this accident. It was not my intention. I live for adrenaline rushes but life is teaching me the value of being safer than sorry.
Do not let this video scare you from skiing or boarding. Don’t let me influence you to try some stupid stuff like this either. First of all, don’t quit before you start. Secondly, learn the basics. Snowboarding can be safe. Gradually increase your skill. I recommend you at least try. Lastly, snowboarding and skiing are meant to be therapeutic. So enjoy the ride.
I’ll see you at the Summit!.. next year
Once posted, the comments started rolling in. Some pro’s jumped in, offering their two cents…
Tyler Flannagan was into it.

Tim Humphreys was concerned. He wanted to shed some light on being aware of your surroundings and the mountains…

Brandon Sorel dropped a comment, and young Francis replied with some well acquired wisdom he’s gains over the past couple days. Touché.

So, if there’s anything that can be taken away from this, it’s don’t shoot for the stars straight of the bat. Work your way up to things and feel it out. Because, you do not want to be feeling the wrath of young Francis’ recent bail.
Sending healing vibes out to Francis and family for a quick recovery and by the sounds of things…we’ll be seeing him at the top of the summit next winter. Bravo.